How to Become a Licensed Security Guard in Houston, TX

How to Become a Licensed Security Guard in Houston, TX

How to Become a Licensed Security Guard in Houston, TX

Becoming a licensed security guard in Houston, TX isn't as complicated as you might think. How to Train as a Professional Security Guard in Houston, TX . It's actually a straightforward process (though it does require attention to detail). If you're considering diving into the world of security, here's how you can do it!

First things first - you've got to meet the basic eligibility requirements. You can't become a licensed security guard if you're under 18 years old or if you've got a criminal record. It’s essential that you have no felony convictions on your record (they absolutely check this!). Also, having decent physical fitness is helpful since the job might involve walking and standing for long periods.

Next up is training. In Texas, it's mandatory to complete professional training before you can get your license. You'll need to enroll in a state-approved training program which usually covers various topics like emergency procedures, legal issues related to security work, and public relations. The course generally lasts about 40 hours – not too bad right?

Once you've completed your training, you'll need to pass an exam! I know exams aren’t everyone’s favorite thing but don’t worry; if you've paid attention during the course, you should be fine. The test will cover everything from what you learned in your classes so make sure you've revised well.

Now comes the paperwork part (it’s not glamorous but it's necessary). You’ll need to fill out an application form for your license through the Texas Department of Public Safety's Private Security Bureau. Along with this form, you'll submit proof of your completed training and fingerprints for a background check—yes they are very thorough with their checks!

Don't forget about fees! Unfortunately, nothing is free these days and getting licensed is no exception. Be prepared to pay an application fee along with any costs associated with fingerprinting and background checks.

After submitting everything required – forms, fees and fingerprints – all that's left is waiting for approval from the state authorities! This could take several weeks so don't panic if it doesn't happen overnight.

Finally once approved congratulations—you’re officially a licensed security guard! But wait there's more... remember that holding onto this license isn’t permanent unless maintained properly; periodic renewals are necessary along with continued education courses every couple years just so everyone stays sharp on regulations.

So there ya go—becoming a licensed security guard in Houston involves meeting eligibility criteria completing required training passing exams filling out applications paying fees submitting fingerprints undergoing background checks then waiting patiently…and voila!

It may seem like quite few steps but trust me—it’s doable—and once done opens doors toward rewarding career path ensuring safety people property alike isn’t small feat afterall!.

security guard houston tx